Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Welcome and Muli Mutya!

It's all official-- I'm going to UGANDA with HELP International this summer, and I couldn't be happier about it! I have always wanted to go to Africa, and it finally seems like the perfect time. I can't just sit here and keep talking about it forever-- I need to GO and SEE and DO. International development and humanitarian aid are two things I'd like to spend my whole life doing- in a career if possible, and if not, just as a major "hobby" of sorts. I truly feel like it is a life mission for me.

I have always felt drawn to Africa and never really understood why. While the thought of it bears fear and helplessness in many, somehow it just brings out an intense feeling of anticipation and excitement for me. I don't know why it's always been this way for me, but I KNOW Africa is going to be a big part of my life-- whether it is by continuously traveling there, devoting my professional life to development, or maybe someday adopting a little baby of my own from there. Whatever the case, I truly love Africa, and can't wait to get to Uganda and really figure out what it's all about.

I've started this blog to keep people updated on my preparations before I leave, and then track all that's going on while I'm actually there in Uganda (16 July-25 Aug). I would like to try and capture the entire process to give people a taste of the whole experience. I know that I am BEYOND lucky and blessed to have this opportunity, and want to share the enthusiasm with as many people as I can. I would also like to continually show people exactly how their donations are made useful, and have a platform to publicly show my thanks to all those who invest in my experience. I just want to work my hardest while I am in Uganda and do ALL that I can to make life just a little bit better for the people I meet there.
Tubasanyukidde! <Welcome in Luganda>

1 comment:

stijn said...

Hey Chrissy,

wow, finally your dream is coming true!!! I've been hearing/reading about you and going to Uganda so much, I am extremely happy for you that you're finally going ;) And for the right reasons :)

I'll definitely be checking out this blog as well, but please remind us from time to time through facebook because my brain is a bit fried here in Sudan so I tend to forget even more things than I usually do :P

Lots of luck! And it's a shame I probably will be leaving here the day before you arrive... Otherwise you would have gotten a visitor at some point :D
