Thursday, June 5, 2008


Depart from SLC at 12:50pm on July 8th (only 27 days away... EEK)

with stops in HOUSTON,

DUBAI (where I will meet up with Brent and then enjoy a 12 hour layover. In freakin DUBAI. Yeahhhhh I've only been dying to go there since before it even got cool),

and a final quick-stop in ETHIOPIA (when did I turn into such a freakin bad-A? I love my life.)
At which point I'll grab a final jumper plane to the lovely land of UGANDA- arriving July 10th at 2:45pm. ...where I will LIVE for the next 7 weeks, until I turn around and do the whole thing in reverse.

I truly feel SO blessed in my life right now. I don't really know how it could get any better at this point. I'm so lucky!!!


Janessa said...

girl! you are so lucky, but more than that, you have worked so hard to go to Africa, that it is finally happening and your dream is coming true! i'm proud of you for doing the things you really want to do. make it happen, whatever it takes.

LEESH said...

you are hawwwwwwwwwt

virginia said...

ETHIOPIA!? coooooool

James said...

scale of one to ten, how bad does your arm hurt after all the shots?!!!!! FREAK.