Thursday, July 24, 2008

a few snatched snaps

Our rafting crew! Trent, Brent, Ashley, Mallory, James, James, ME
Me, Lindsi (i miss her already!!!), Mallory, and James on our front patio

PS: A few nights ago, 3 teenage boys tried to hop that fence and break in at like 3 in the morning. Our trusty guard David caught them, and fired a shot over the fence at them. I was the only one who woke up to the gunshot (I have no idea how, that thing was LOUD and right outside our window) and laid awake the rest of the night because I couldnt figure out whyyyy the heck there were gunshots outside my window. Ummmm scariest night of my life. But, luckily we have David, and now I know he is actually up all night protecting the house, and not just sleeping in the back yard. He's the best, so dont worry, I'm perfectly safe!!!


Janessa said...

Yayyy! Ok, I've been slacking on your blog lately, but I read it all & I'm so glad you are having a good time! Sorry about your camera, again...that freakin sucks! I love you, I miss you, I love that you are in Africa doing what you love!

LEESH said...

i'm glad i get to see your face a little in these pictures! you look incredibly happy and sun-kissed, might i add! that's so crazzzzzy about the people trying to break in! good thing you have a guard!! xx

Lindsi said...

I miss you too! Damn girl! I want to be back in Lugazi, America is so lame. I love you!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.