Thursday, July 17, 2008

typical days in the town

The internet has been ridiculous all over town for the past 4 hours so i'm just going to say a quick hello. The first couple days of projects have been great, and its nice to be Lugazi actually getting stuff done. I ilke when the days are busy ebcause I have lots of projets and get a lot done and feel productive all day long. It seems to go by fster, and tehn by the time it is all over, it is getting dark and I am exhausted and ready or dinner and bed. Even though I have been waking up about the same time as home-- around 7ish or so, I am sooo ready for bed by 10 or 11. Which is better because then I actually get enough sleep. It is always loud throughout the house til late, and the roosters and up first thing in the morning but inbetween, i sleep like a rock.

Yesterday in the morning I went to crane's school whih has a choir we teach. They sang several songs for us and it was so cute!!! They're all about Jesus and how much they love him, and songs asking God to watch over Africa. I cried during one of the songs because it was just sooo cute (yeah i cry like daily here...) and they were just so happy as they were singing and asking God to watch out for them and take care of Africa. They are so humble, and just so GOOD. I got lots of good videos that i may try to upload when the internet isnt so grumpy.

In th afternoon we went to a high shool and taught a health class. They are very recceptive and have lots of questions. Afterwards we went toSt Edwards where we played with kids from a local orphanace for a few hours. They are so cute and have so much energy!!! I took a milion pitures of them cuz they are just soooo adorable. I was very worn out by the time we were done. Afterwards we went home and ate some of Irene's delicious food. A typical dinner consists of potatoes, rice, cabbage, and beans. It is plain on american standards, but here i am always excited for it. You can buy chiapattis on the street, and sometimes we have them at dinner too. They are basically a thicker greasier version of a pita/tortilla, and they are always warm. I LOVE THEM.

After dinner, we all just chilled out and read books and uploaded pcitures onto USBs and such. I like relaxing evenings to just hang out for a bit. I got to sleep in the back froner room, which only has 2 beds in it so it was SO quiet. The normal girls room has 7 beds in it, and is attached to the bathroom, so people come in and out every night.

Well, a storm is brewin outside so i better jet before i get rained out. Life is amazing here, though I will admit I would love a few comments if you stop by and read (thanks Leesh for all of your lovins!) I am not homesick by any means, but it is still nice to know there are people at home checkin up on me :) Love you lots!

PS- My USB has already caught a virus, so pictures may be a little harder to transfer around..... Hopefully yesterday's plethora is enough to get you through a while!


LEESH said...

i'm reading i'm reading! and i'm telling aaron to read too (not sure if he is though...) but we both miss you terribly. and i'm soooo sorry about the money sitch. like i said, i'm going to put the 200 in cash in tonight, so i reallllly hope that's enough to get you through the weekend! eeek! i promise it'll all be smoothed over by next week. i'm such an air head.oooo i can't wait to see all of your pictures! it sounds like life is treating you sooo wonderfully. you are amazing
xoxo, gossip girl

LEESH said...

haha you're probably sick of me, but i got your little note in the mail yesterday. thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU!!! and don't worry I've read every word! In fact I check your blog every day. For some reason I REALLY miss you- like deep pains. hah seriously though I really feel like I can feel your presence out of the US and it hurts! I am SOO glad you are having so much fun- you deserve sooo much to be where you are doing what you're doing!!! AFRICA + CHRISSY + HAPPINESS= meant to be!!! I'm still in Seattle being busy busy but I will send you a long email this week! LOVES

Annalicia Montgomery said...

just in case you get this first, you have 310 availalb ein your wells fargo account looove youuu