Friday, August 22, 2008

wrap it up

Things around here are starting to slow down and wrap up, and it is such a bizarre feeling! It feels as if I just got here yesterday... yet it is already time to pack up and go home. I don't think I am ready for this!

It has been a week of continual goodbyes and parties as we close things with each program and say goodbye. Throughout the week we have had Irene, Faith, Barbara, Auntie Peggy, and Maria over for dinner on various nights. It has been fun to just visit with them and get a final chance to be with them.

On Wednesday James, Seren, and I went to the Wednesday market and went on a crazy shopping spree. James' Grandpa sent him 100,000 shillings ($60) for us to spend and take to Capstone Orphanage (I LOVE that place) to get them some new clothes. We seriously went crazy and were able to buy SO much stuff with so little. James and I took it all to Capstone, and as soon as we took it out of the bags, all the little kids got so excited! Just watching the joy in their eyes made me tear up. They are all the cutest kids, and they are so fun to play with. Most of them have been deserted or orphaned, and come from the depths of poverty. After everything was distributed, they sang and danced for us, and then we had to say goodbye.

That afternoon a group of us went to the closing social of the AIDS support group at the hospital. I made a TON of salsa because they wanted us to show them what we like to eat in America. Vegetables are SO cheap here, so I recently discovered I can make buckets of salsa for just a few dollars. It is fantastic. They used chiapatti to dip in the salsa, and all claimed to enjoy it. Ashley also made a bunch of pancakes, and we smothered them all with chocolate and bananas. Aside from the delicious food, it was also just really great to meet with all of them and have a final chance to talk to them.

The support group consists of 7 "role models" who all have HIV/AIDS and serve as examples of fighting the stigma in their specific communities. They are so amazing in all that they do and I am impressed with them continually. Ashley Ward has done amazing things with this group, and we have been able to teach them how to build adobe stoves and new shower areas and provide all the materials. Throughout this project, we have also been able to team up with the Youth Outreach Mission. I cannot say enough good things about this group! It is a group of 6-10 young university aged guys who formed a group to help fight HIV throughout Lugazi. They have become our really good friends and we do a lot of projects with them. Wilson stops by to say hi or work on projects with Ashley all the time, so we have gotten to be really good friends. Six of the boys walked Ashley and I home after the little party, and I loved just talking to them and joking with them and listening to all of their big plans. What an amazing group of guys!

Yesterday James and I had to say goodbye to all of our PWD kids, and it was so hard!!! The night before, I rummaged through our supply closet and made them each these little canvas bags filled with fun crafts and schools supplies. Clay, markers, crayons, paper, scissors, felt, glue, books, coloring books, flashcards... whatever I could get my hands on. I decorated each bag with buttons to make their names, and had just enough buttons to write Diana, Fiona, Sheila, and Priscilla. I love each of them SO much, I honestly didn't know it was really possible to do that in such a short amount of time. So yesterday James and I wrapped a bunch of mattresses up on a few bodas and delivered the mattresses and goody bags to Fiona, Diana, and Priscilla. It was so fun to play with each of them for the last time, hug their wonderful mothers, and watch them play with their new things. Peeling Fiona off from around my neck (she is SO strong and just climbs up on you like a jungle gym, and then refuses to let go) when we had to leave was so hard!!! I just want to hold them all and keep them forever.

Today Ashley W and I will have to go do the same with Priscilla, and I think it may almost kill me!!! I feel like I have gotten the closest with her, and have become good friends with her Mom and Grandma as well. They are such a fantastic family, I am lucky to have met them and got to work with them so much while Ive been here.

Anyways, writing this blog is just depressing me more so I better go. I keep trying to look forward to all the good things about going home (like real showers and caesar salads), but it doesn't seem to outweigh my desire to be here for longer! I am sure I will be back someday... I HAVE to come back someday.. So I guess only time will tell when. For now I'm off to clean out the house and run a few errands with Ivan.

ALSO- Brent and Thatcher left Monday, and then James, Kira, and Mallory last night. Our house is very empty :(

1 comment:

LEESH said...

dear you- i can't believe your african adventure is finally coming to a close. it's so strange that you've been gone for nearly 2 months now. look at all you have accomplished and all of the amazing people you have met! i'm seriously so proud of you for going to africa and fufilling your dream. i know you'll be back some day- and maybe i'll g with you and you can show me the ropes. i miss you and i can't wait to see you in just a few short days. love love love forever!
gossip girl